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LustandOtherDrugs Page 5

  And he hadn’t even kissed her.

  “Kiss me, Chase.”

  “I can’t,” he whispered as he climbed off the island and pulled her ass to the edge.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Why not?”

  “Because then I’ll have to be inside you, my Annie.”

  The way he said her name with such blatant ownership made her shiver, and even though her body was still quaking from her release, she knew she’d be ready again in moments.

  “Don’t you want to fuck me?” she asked, baring her need before him.

  “More than anything—except keeping your trust.”

  Her breath caught again and her body tightened in anticipation of more. God, she was going to die if she had to come that hard again, but it would be a good way to go. “I trust you, Chase.” Anne pushed herself up and draped one arm around his neck, pulling him down to her.

  “I know. And I won’t fail you.”

  “How could this be failing me?” Anne couldn’t help but rub herself against him.

  He took a deep breath and his voice was low and strained. “Because you didn’t want this. It’s my fault you’re in pain. This isn’t for our mutual pleasure, something we decided together. This is something I did to you with my carelessness.”

  “What if I want you, Chase?” she asked artlessly.

  “Then you’ll still want me when you’re not drugged and aching.”

  “But the ache hasn’t stopped.”

  “It takes time, sweetness.”

  “Does it? How long? It’s been six months.”

  He froze. “What do you mean?”

  She tilted her hips to rub her pussy against him again, almost unwillingly. Anne moaned softly. “Six months I’ve been watching you on Dreamed Desire. Six months of touching myself to images of you doing the same. Only, I didn’t know it was you until…” She broke off and dug her nails into his shoulders as she shook with another small release.

  “Until when?” he demanded.

  “I tried to stop but I couldn’t. Please,” she begged. “I need this. Not only to ease me now, but to get you out of my head so you’ll be Chase again!”

  “I’ve never been anyone else.” He pushed his arm beneath her lower back to angle her.

  “So you’re my friend again instead of my fantasy,” she corrected.

  His kiss was brutal. He crashed his lips to hers and she met his violence with her own. Anne bit his bottom lip lightly and then traced its contours with her tongue. Chase pulled back and tugged his shorts off.

  Anne wanted to look at him but he was efficient with his movements. She hadn’t said she wanted to touch him; she’d only said she wanted him out of her head. Again, he was doing exactly as she asked.

  “I want to touch you.”

  “No, Annie.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because I want this too much.” He groaned as he teased the crown of his cock against her slick pussy, sliding it over her engorged clit to barely part her cleft.

  She bucked her hips, urging him to drive his cock inside her, and he complied, thrusting deep.

  Anne felt as if she’d been torn asunder. She’d never been so full. If he moved, she’d shatter—but she instinctively knew he’d put her back together too.

  He pulled her up again so her ass was braced on the edge of the island and she leaned forward, trusting him to support her weight. She kissed the familiar edge of his jaw, the corner of his mouth where he hid his smiles, and then on the fullness of his lips again.

  They moved in tandem. He brought her down as he pushed up into her, hooking his arms beneath hers to grasp her shoulders and keep her steady. She rode him fast, flexing her thighs and tightening her pussy around his shaft to pull him deeper.

  The tumult that raged inside her built again, but this time more intensely than before. There was a single focal point and it was all Chase. His hands, his mouth and his cock had all merged into one sensation. A cry tore from her as it reached a crescendo and when she would have pulled away to keep from dying that little death, he drilled her harder.

  “Come for me again, my Annie.”

  As delight spiraled through her in endless waves instead of crashing down on her like a tsunami, she decided that Chase Donovan was indeed a god. He’d brought her to orgasm more times than she could count and he’d only come once.

  This was just like their heated debates. He was making all the points. She couldn’t let him win this too. “Come inside me,” she whispered.

  His fingers dug into her shoulders and he growled against her ear. “You don’t want that.”

  “I do, Chase! You know I’m on the Pill. Come hard. Fill me.” She didn’t know if the words spurred him on or not, if they were what she was supposed to say at a time like this, but she didn’t care. Anne wanted him to be as sated as she was. “Or let me finish you with my mouth,” she said boldly. She’d never done that for a man before, but she wanted to do it for Chase.

  “You could get the Devil to go to church, Annie.”

  Chase thrust into her again and then he stilled, wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him. He’d come inside her just as she’d demanded. Anne was hit with a euphoric satisfaction.

  Until she realized every single cell in her body was aching in protest. She made a small sound of distress when he withdrew.

  “Yeah, I think you’re going to be okay,” Chase said lightly, as if they weren’t naked and he hadn’t just given her the fucking of her life.

  “I’m not going to be able to walk for a week.” Anne was pleased to note the hot, burning need in her cunt had faded. “But yeah, I think I’m okay.” She sat up, unsure of what to do next.

  “It’s gone? Just like that?” Chase narrowed his eyes at her while he pulled up his boxers. “It takes me hours to work it through my system.”

  “Maybe being with another person neutralizes the compound? Something to do with mixing hormones?”

  “Anne, you may just be a genius.”

  “Well, I knew that.” It felt good to be back into the realm of banter and Anne could see the wheels in his brain whirring around that idea. He was already making notes in his head.

  She hopped down off the island and pawed around for her own boxer shorts. Then, to save them both from an awkward moment, she retreated to her room.

  What she really wanted to do was check the countertop of the island for any evidence of their encounter and scrub it away. It wasn’t that she wanted to scrub away what happened. In fact, she wanted to do it again when she could walk without wincing. But they did prepare food there.

  And the next time she was slicing a tomato for a BLT, she’d be thinking alternately of fucking Chase and remembering that she hadn’t cleaned the island afterward.

  Chapter Five

  “You tramp. What did I tell you would happen?” Gin’s perky voice startled Anne from a dead sleep the next morning.

  Anne grumbled and rolled over. “Christ, Gin. How are you so energetic this freaking early?” She pulled a pillow over her head.

  The petite blonde flopped onto the bed next to her. “Chase asked me to check on you at lunch.”

  “It’s already lunch?” Her brain boggled at the thought. Anne had never slept that long ever.

  “No, I came early. It’s eleven. But I figured you’d need a long soak in the Jacuzzi and maybe some pizza and Rosa Regale.” Gin waved the bottle at her. “It’s all my treat. As long as you spill. About everything. Get moving though. Seth and I are going to a thing for dinner.”

  “A date?” Anne asked with a nudge.

  “Most certainly not. It’s a dinner theater thing Justin’s girlfriend is in. He wants to drag Seth, but neither of them want the implications of two men sitting through dinner theater together. Alone.” Gin snorted back a giggle.

  “Really? I think Seth wanted an excuse to hang out with you,” Anne said knowingly.

  “That would be a mess, wouldn’t it?”

  “Why? You don’t find him attractive?”

  “Who wouldn’t? He’s definitely nice to look at, but he’s so reserved. I practically had to beg him to dance with me.”

  “Gin, that wasn’t begging. You dragged him like a recalcitrant dog.”

  “For me, that’s closer to begging than I would like.”

  “You didn’t mind pining for Chase.”

  “Don’t start.” Gin held up a hand. “Talking about my lack of love life isn’t going to get you out of spilling all the gory details. Unless, of course, you don’t want this bottle of Rosa Regale.” She waved the bottle again, as if dangling a carrot in front of a donkey.

  “Did you bring two?” Anne sighed.

  “Actually, I bought three. And those really big wineglasses. Because they say a glass of wine is good for the heart and the circulation.”

  “I don’t think they meant a glass that could double as a 7-Eleven Big Gulp.”

  “Maybe not. No one says you have to drink it all,” she singsonged.

  “Bring it on.” Maybe a glass of wine and some girl talk was just what she needed. “But we will talk about this Seth thing.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. It’s a friend thing.”

  “Yeah. Don’t go there.”

  “Look, just because you want your best friend to bang the backside out of you doesn’t mean that’s what I’m after,” Gin corrected. “Now, get up.”

  “You’re really not upset?”

  “Please. Everyone knows you and Chase are like PB and J. You just fit. Sure, I lusted after him and if he’d shown the slightest bit of interest, I’d have been on my back faster than a five-dollar hooker.”

  “You have no shame.” Anne laughed.

  “And why should I?” Gin curled her lip in derision. “I’ll meet you in the Jacuzzi. The pizza is getting cold.”

  Anne eased herself out of bed and found she was sorer than she’d originally thought. It hurt to walk. She was suddenly very thankful for the Jacuzzi and for Gin. She riffled through the bag she had yet to unpack and dug out her bathing suit.

  She was immediately sorry when she put it on. The material clung to her uncomfortably. As soon as Gin left, that puppy was coming off. Anne made her way out through the sliding glass doors in the kitchen.

  Much as she adored Gin, she wished it were Chase she was getting into the hot tub with. Anne immediately chucked the thought when Gin waved her over and held out a glass of Rosa Regale for her.

  Anne sank down carefully into the water, loving the feel of the steam and the heat as it lapped at her skin. All of the tension immediately eased out of her and she took a sip of the sparkling red wine. She sighed with bliss. Then crammed almost a whole slice of a Cheese Lover’s pizza into her mouth.

  “Stuffing your face isn’t going to get you out of talking either,” Gin warned.

  Anne savored the pizza as she chewed and nodded to Gin. She was like a dog with a meaty bone, that girl was. Wouldn’t leave it alone for a minute in case she missed something. She swallowed and took another sip of wine.


  “What? Why did you bring the food if you don’t want me to enjoy it?” Anne asked.

  “I knew I should have held it hostage until you spilled your guts.”

  “And then you never would have gotten me out of bed.”

  “Well?” Gin turned the conversation back to Anne’s illicit night with Chase.

  “To start at the beginning, we need an internet connection.”

  “Use my phone.” Gin shoved it at her and Anne reluctantly put her wine down.

  She clicked to download the Dreamed Desire app. Anne accessed the app using her password and pulled up one of the videos of Chase. She shoved it back in Gin’s face, bringing her friend eye to eye with her lover’s endowments.

  “Holy shit kittens, is that what I think it is?” Gin gasped.

  “Yep. Our darling Dr. Donovan in his birthday suit.”

  “Doing unspeakable things with his birthday stick. Oh. My. God.” Gin struggled to catch her breath and made little fanning gestures at her face, but it didn’t seem to do any good. Then she straightened and turned her head sideways like a meerkat. “I didn’t know it could do that.”

  “Me either, girl.” Anne slid deeper into the water and exhaled heavily.

  “So that’s where all this extra tension came from between you two. You realized he had the swinging dickstick of doom.” Gin laughed.

  “I didn’t know it was him.”

  “How could you not? I can’t even see his face and I know it’s him.” Gin was incredulous.

  “I just didn’t, okay? I was a member of the site for six months before I realized it was him.”

  “Uh-huh. And he just happened to be the model you’re most intrigued by, to put it gently?” Gin asked.

  Anne hung her head and heat infused her cheeks. “Even after I knew it was him, I kept going back.”

  “I ask again, how could you not?” Gin giggled and then paused, distracted by what was on the screen. “Wow.”

  “So then seeing the fantasy in the flesh, things were different. I thought I could handle it. But the dance?”

  “I know!” Gin squealed. “You guys were hot. No two ways about it. You were completely in your own world, but didn’t you notice the people around you started dancing like that? I thought for sure people were going to start having sex right there on the dance floor.”

  “If he would have wanted to, I doubt I would have been able to say no.”

  “That wasn’t beer on his jeans, was it?” Gin asked, another giggle brewing.

  “Nope. And if you ever bring that up again, I will have to kill you.”

  “But he took the blame. Such a gentleman.”

  “I wanted to die. In fact, I’m still embarrassed.”

  “Whatever. You got off on his leg like a St. Bernard. So what?” Gin struggled not to laugh.

  “Shut up, you’re horrible.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “I’m jealous too. I’m just awful.”

  “No, I’m awful. I should have told you about the site and my feelings for him.”

  “Anne, you still don’t know what they are yourself, I can tell by the look on your face. I don’t hold it against you. But with you and Chase, you’re both always first in each other’s lives. That’s something to think about.”

  “What if I lose him, Gin?”

  “Then I’ll be there to snatch him right up.” She flashed a devilish smile. “Seriously, you’re not going to lose him. There might be some growing pains, but you’ll come through it. I promise.”

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  “No, I don’t think you do.” Gin smirked.

  “Why do I surround myself with people who have an answer for everything?” She took another long drink of her wine.

  Gin lowered her voice to a faux whisper. “Because you’re one of them.”

  They both laughed.

  Anne noticed her fingers were getting pruny but she didn’t care. “Bubbles. I need more bubbles.”

  “What you need is to kick Gin’s butt into gear,” Seth said from the doorway.

  Anne shrieked. “Is there a conspiracy to kill me? You hear of knocking? Or you know, calling?” She took a deep breath.

  “That’s my fault, Anne. I told him to pick me up here.” Gin looked sheepish.

  “Then there’s the fact if I called, you’d know I was coming. Gin said you’d be in the hot tub. I didn’t know if maybe you two were feeling experimental…” He let the rest of the sentence hang.

  “Huh?” Gin asked.

  Anne remembered that it was Seth who’d helped design the supplement. “Why? Does it make you feel experimental?” she shot back at him.

  “Yeah, kind of.” He smirked.

  Anne’s eyes widened but she quickly gained her composure. “Well, if you’re secure enough to experiment, dinner theater shouldn’t be a big deal.”

  “Not that experimental.” Seth

  “Wait, did you think you’d catch Gin and I doing something…else?”

  He shrugged and nodded knowingly. “That drug is pretty powerful.”

  “How do you know… Oh.” Anne colored as she realized the blond on the site was him. The other guy had to be their friend Justin.

  “What are you talking about?” Gin raised a brow and looked back and forth between Seth and Anne.

  “Yeah, oh,” he repeated. The shy Seth Grayson was gone and in his place stood a man who was very sure of himself and what he had to offer. Chase had obviously told Seth about what had happened. And that she knew about the site.

  “Damn Chase for telling you.” Anne blushed again.

  “I’m still not catching this. Someone explain it to me,” Gin demanded.

  No way was Anne going to tell her it was Seth on the site. She was sure Gin would explore it more later on her own anyway, and when Gin realized she actually knew everyone, it might propel her to take that step with Seth. And Anne could stop feeling bad about hooking up with Chase.

  “When you grow up, little Gin-bug, I’ll tell you all about it,” Seth promised.

  Gin waded closer to Seth and propped herself up on the ledge, allowing the edge of the Jacuzzi to push her breasts up. “I’ll have you know I’m grown now. In case it escaped your notice, your ‘I’m smarter than you’ shtick is getting old. That’s why you don’t get laid.”

  “What?” he asked, obviously entranced by her cleavage.

  “See, it doesn’t matter how smart they are. It all comes down to boobies.” Gin shrugged. “Gee, Anne. You could show him yours and he’d fall over dead.”

  Anne glared at Gin. “Actually, Seth, I was wondering. Gin was telling me she had a rash of a most intimate nature. Maybe she needs an exam. Do you think you could help her with that?”

  “Maybe I could. But I wouldn’t want her to think I was trying to be smarter than her.”

  “That’s not even a good retort.” Gin scowled.

  “Oh, baby. I like it when you use your words,” Seth teased.